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what's on the shelf

what's on the shelf
Originally uploaded by kim.mama
Thanks to some great suggestions, we have a plan for the next few months of reading!

A non-fiction title: My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy by Andrea Askowitz because at least one member of the book club is pregnant and I wish I were too.
Fiction: Valmiki's Daughter by Shani Mootoo because basically, we're hopelessly devoted to her.
A young adult novel: Breathing Underwater by Lu Vickers. Maybe it's not young adult. Maybe just about a young adult? Either way.
A collection of short stories and a Lambda winner: All the Pretty Girls by Chandra Mayor - a Winnipeg author and because Kay thinks we should. We were going to wait for Chandra to be able to join us but everyone keeps requesting it so we're not waiting anymore!
A classic that also happens to be sci-fi: Lilith's Brood by Octavia Butler because it was Trevor's first/best idea.
Another non-fiction: Transparent: Love, Family and Living the T with Transgender Teenagers by Cris Beam just because Lindy said so.

Just a note: We've had to put Secret Service by Zsa Zsa Gershick on the backburner for now until we can scare up some copies.

Also, thanks to Nicola Griffith for not taking my Attitude about sci-fi to heart and for sharing a link to some of her free short stories. Please visit and enjoy!


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