1. The Jews in Cuba are described as going into hiding here by converting to Catholicism, a practice that has occurred in many areas of the world. Do you see this as paralleling/not paralleling the experiences of members of the GLBTQ community who have stayed or gone into hiding i.e., "the closet." What about other cultural variations on the same theme? 2. Many of the characters are confronted with the challenge of assimilation and the emergence of multiple identities. Is Alejandra Cuban or American or both? How does Judaism play into her identity? How does lesbianism or bisexuality factor into her identity? What about her lover- how does she respond to Ale's multiple cultural identities? 3. Ytzak both gave up, and took from others, much for his beliefs especially in regard to his relationships to with his family. How do you see this paralleling the queer community? Do you think Ytzak overstepped his rights as grandfather? 4. What is "love"? Have you ever been ...